One question I get asked a lot is “how do you actually get pregnant with a syringe at home?”
Some people call it the turkey baster method, some call it artificial or self insemination, we call it making a Mosie baby.
The official term is vaginal insemination known as intracervical insemination (ICI) or intravaginal insemination (IVI).
Here’s what you will need in order to inseminate using this method:
A healthy sperm specimen
Collection cup
A syringe
A bed
And about 30 minutes
Number one and number two go hand in hand. A healthy sperm specimen can be obtained from your partner, from a sperm bank or from anyone willing to give it to you. The key is that the sperm is healthy and you’ve all agreed legally on the rights of the child. If you’re not sure about the sperm quality, consider finding a test online to measure the sperm count. They’re easy to use at home, and will give you peace of mind before trying to conceive. I would also recommend testing for STDs as well.
Collection cup
As for the collection cup, size matters. Something too large will make absorption into the syringe more difficult than it needs to be. Vice versa something too small will make the collection into the cup more difficult than it needs to be.
Ideally you want something that has a fairly wide opening, making it an easy target for the donor, but that is also not too deep to ensure absorption into the syringe goes smoothly. Look for something that is between 1.5 inches and 3 inches wide and 1 to 2 inches deep.
The Mosie Cup (pictured above) shows the right size of cup needed.
If you need to transport your sperm sample, ideally that specimen should be inside its final destination (aka the vagina) within an hour.
Syringe selection
Like the specimen cup, size also matters with the syringe. Usually something around 5cc’s is where you want to be. Anything larger may result in an awkward experience and due to the longer barrel may retain a significant amount of your sample, reducing your odds for success.
Once you have your syringe and your sample, it’s a matter of getting the sample into the syringe. Here’s a step by step of what to do:
To keep things simple and minimize room for error we recommend doing the transfer to the syringe in the same place the transfer to the vagina will take place.
Air bubbles in the syringe are not ideal. While some tiny ones are almost impossible to avoid, it’s the big ones you want to avoid. Before transferring the sample to the syringe, pull the plunger of the empty syringe all the way up and push it fully back down to remove air. The plunger should be fully plunged into the tip of the barrel.
Let’s transfer the sperm into the syringe. First you’ll want to dip the end of the syringe in the sample cup directly in contact with the specimen. Keeping the sperm absorbed in the specimen, slowly pull up the plunger to transfer the specimen to the syringe. This is pretty straight-forward and you should see the sperm entering the syringe.
Once the sample is in the syringe, slowly push the plunger forward while flicking the tip of the syringe with your other hand to eliminate the bubbles until the sample is as close to the tip as possible without expelling it.
Next you’ll want to get horizontal and comfortable. If possible, use pillows to raise your hips and legs slightly higher than your waist. Insert the syringe into your vagina just like you would a tampon — for best results, insert up to the handles on the end. Then fully push the plunger to release the sample. Gently remove the syringe.
Kick back and relax. You’ll need to continue lying down for 15-30 minutes. We recommend listening to music or your favorite podcast, reading, napping, whatever works for you.
That’s it. That’s how easy it is to inseminate at home. Wishing you the best and feel free to reach out if we can help support you in any way!
Maureen Brown is the co-creator of the Mosie insemination syringe, which is the first and only syringe designed for home insemination. For more info on the Mosie syringe and helpful tips for those trying to conceive, check out
The information provided through Zaya Care’s website and services is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This article is for educational purposes only. Before starting any new changes, always be sure to consult your healthcare provider.