Jan 5, 2022 • 2 min read

Top 3 Predictions for Women’s Health in 2022

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Women’s health has historically been portrayed as a niche topic, but how can half of the population be considered niche? Women control more than 80% of healthcare spending decisions in the US. Women tend to use healthcare services more on an individual level, with more complex needs, which means more doctor’s visits and dollars spent. In addition, the pandemic has focused even greater attention to health equity gaps and poor health outcomes for women, moms, and babies. We’ve also seen growth in the women’s health tech space, with many companies focused on treating the whole person, rather than disease states. With all this change, what is likely to come in 2022? Here are our top three predictions for what’s to come in 2022.

  1. More funding for women’s health startups

The women’s health space is booming. Companies are being founded with missions that offer and implement solutions to address health equity gaps and health outcomes. In 2021, health tech startups focusing on women and health surpassed $1 billion for the first time, nearly doubling 2020’s $774 million raised. We expect this space to continue to grow in 2022. With health tech companies offering a variety of solutions that address important areas such as pregnancy or postpartum support, infertility, and holistic care, we also envision more women having a seat at the financing table. No one better understands women’s health needs than women. 

  1. More focus on maternal outcomes

Racial disparities in maternal health are paramount and can be connected to systemic issues/biases within healthcare. According to the Women’s Medical Association, women in the U.S. are more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death today than in the 1990s,
an appalling statistic considering the advancements we have made in technology and medicine. The risk of maternal death is even greater for black women who are three times more likely to die as a result of pregnancy than white women, and are more likely to be dismissed by professionals when reporting pain or discomfort during pregnancy. According to the CDC, 60% of deaths during pregnancy are preventable. Pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum will always come with risk – but companies will focus on preventative care to improve outcomes. 

  1. More solutions for underserved populations

Unless women have the information and support they need to manage their bodies, manage their health and give birth to healthy babies – poor health outcomes will continue to rise. Underserved populations of women such as those living in rural areas, Medicaid beneficiaries, and the underinsured will come into scope. Companies exploring solutions for problems such as access, affordability, in-home services, and full-spectrum care cannot ignore this population. Most importantly, focusing on underserved populations ensures women have access to evidence-based solutions to improve their health outcomes. 

It is an exciting time for the women’s health space as companies continue to be founded on the mission of creating access to quality care. At Zaya, we’re looking forward to continuing our work to establish a new standard for maternal care.